Oral Hygiene for Orthodontics

Keep teeth and braces clean

Braces trap food very easily which promotes plaque formation. Plaque can lead to gum disease and enamel damage. With the daily use of effective oral hygiene techniques, plaque build-up can be prevented.

The foundation of good oral hygiene is effective brushing. This is done with a fluoridated tooth paste and a soft bristled brush. Brushing should be done after every meal and snack and should be done slowly and carefully. It is important to not only brush the braces but also brush both the inside and chewing surfaces of the teeth.



                                               Step 1                                                                                           Step 2                                                                                     Step 3

            1. Holding the brush straight against the braces, scrub in small circles 10 times.
            2. Holding the brush at an angle towards the chewing surface , scrub in small circles 10 times.
            3. This is the most important step:  Holding the brush at an angle towards the gums, scrub in small circles 10 times. Make sure that the gumline is also being cleaned.


All the above can also be done with an electric toothbrush.






          1. Flossing with braces should be done once a day. A floss threader is very helpful in getting the floss under the archwire.
          2. Another way to floss with braces is to use superfloss. One end is a floss threader and the other end can be used for flossing.
          3. The floss should be moved up and down along the sides of the teeth and under the gumline to remove the plaque.




Other techniques

Other aids which can be used to help keep your braces clean include end-tuft brushes, interproximal brushes, and more.  Your hygienist can recommend tools to help you keep your teeth and braces healthy and clean throughout your orthodontic treatment.




Be sure to talk with your orthodontist about other helpful tips on how to prevent

permanent marks, cavities, gum infections, and other problems while you’re wearing your braces.



It’s very important to maintain your schedule of regular professional cleanings during ortho treatment.