Our fees are based on the current year’s Ontario Dental Association Suggested Fee Guide. With or without insurance, each patient is financially responsible for the fees associated with the treatment he or she receives. As coverage varies from one policy to another, we cannot guarantee that 100% of all fees will be covered.
The ODA Suggested Fee Guide
The Ontario Dental Association publishes its Suggested Fee Guide every year. The Guide lists every dental service that dentists may perform. It also outlines dental codes and suggested fees for each specific service.
Both dentists and dental plan providers may use the Guide as a reference point to help inform service fees. The year of the Guide being covered will be specified in the details of your dental benefits plan (in many cases, the plan does not cover the current calendar year).
The Guide is a highly technical document intended for professional use. It contains more than 1,400 dental “codes” of treatment, each representing a dental procedure, using correct dental terminology. Dentists will discuss procedures in layman’s terms with patients, providing answers related to your treatment and costs.